In honor of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, we at Odle McGuire Shook want to shine the spotlight on a memorial sculpture located right here in Indianapolis.  The memorial sculpture is located in a park just north of downtown Indianapolis at 17th and Broadway.  This sculpture silently and brilliantly showcases a moment in MLK’s life that brings the history right here to our fine state.

OMS believes great design and designers are located right here in Indiana and this showcases yet another example.  We hope this brings you another layer of historical information about a truly great man.  Happy Martin Luther King, Jr Day.

View our portfolio to see some of the great designs located right here in Indiana.

Article Source:

Photo Source: Artist of the sculpture – Greg Perry

Odle McGuire Shook is an Indiana architecture firm with a focus on Interior Design, Landscape Architecture, Engineering, and Architectural Design. We are experts in architecture and one of our professionals will be personally responsible for your project from start to finish. We’ve been dedicated to serving Indiana since 1916, and we have a history of forward thinking. Most of all, we believe that quality, innovative designs don’t have to cost more.