I recently read the story, Designs help owners age in place, and I found it to be very relevant to the architectural industry.  With a growing aging population, we have to constantly be thinking about “universal design” or “aging in place” design concepts to make all environments safer and more accommodating for people with mobility limitations.

Read more here: http://www.adn.com/2014/03/12/3370464/designs-help-owners-age-in-place.html#storylink=cpy

At OMS, we incorporate these concepts into our senior living designs (watch the video below to learn more) and also use “universal design” thinking for projects in other segments including public libraries, schools, universities and even fire stations.

Contact us to learn more about how OMS uses “universal design.”

Odle McGuire Shook is an Indiana architecture firm with a focus on Interior Design, Landscape Architecture, Engineering, and Architectural Design. We are experts in architecture and one of our professionals will be personally responsible for your project from start to finish. We’ve been dedicated to serving Indiana since 1916, and we have a history of forward thinking. Most of all, we believe that quality, innovative designs don’t have to cost more.