Shortly after veterans William McGuire and Wilbur Shook formed their partnership on December 16, 1916 McGuire answered the call of duty.  During WWI McGuire spent 11 months with the 472d Aero Squadron building airfields and hangars in England and France. See pictures of McGuire with some of his patriotic work.

Veterans McGuire and Shook


Veterans Architecture


Veterans World War 1 Registration Card

In honor of Memorial Day, and in honor of one of William McGuire, FAIA, we want to highlight a related OMS past project.  OMS was the Architect (Patrick Brunner, AIA Project Manager) responsible for the design of the Indiana Vietnam and Korea War Memorials for the Indiana Department of Veterans Affairs, dedicated in May of 1996.

The memorials serve both to commemorate those killed in service to their country and to educate future generations on the sacrifices of all Hoosiers who served in these two Cold War era conflicts.  Each Memorial, twenty-five feet in height, has two distinct faces.  The convex, street side emphasizes the educational aspect by providing dates and a narrative outline of the war, a map of the world, and excerpts from soldiers’ letters to their loved ones.  The concave side of the Memorial, facing the solitude of the American Legion Mall, lists in chronological order, those killed during the course of the war.

Today OMS continues the tradition of serving as the Architects/Engineers of Record for multiple branches of our Nation’s Military including the United States Air Force and the Veterans Administration.

OMS offers its sincerest thanks to all who have served our country.

Indiana Vietnam and Korea War Memorial